Thursday, October 1, 2009

Discharge Day and the best friend EVER

The birthmom wanted to spend a lot of time with the baby in the hospital, I respected that wish of hers and stayed out of the hospital, which was tremendously difficult. When discharge day came, I had only seen Virginia for about 2 hours since she became mine. Discharge was on a Friday, and all day Thursday I spent at Karina's house working on the scrapbook that I made for the birthmom. I got a nice 8x8 book and then put together all the paper pages (about 30 pages or so), so that over time as I send her pictures she can put them in easily with just a glue stick. I loved her book so much, I made one for myself that matched after I got home.

So, I don't know why this picture won't post horizontally, but is was my favorite page of the scrapbook, so just turn your monitor on its side.

On Thursday night Karina came down to Orem with me for some moral support. It was great to have her there. On Friday, discharge was supposed to be at noon, but got pushed back to 4pm. That was very difficult to deal with and after hearing this, I told Karina that I wanted to go scream my guts out on a roller coster, go shopping, or eat massive quantities of food. So Karina and I just went shopping, again. The emotional support I got from Karina that day was invaluable.

You know when you budget for an adoption, you really have to work into it all of the shopping time, it can really add up, oh and mandatory sushi stops.

Discharge was really quick, and full of tears as the birthmom handed Virginia over to me in her hospital room. I can only imagine how difficult this was for her to go through. When she signed she said that it really hadn't entirely hit her yet, but the next day (Thursday) it really did.

When I got Virginia to the car, she was starving, so we went straight to Karina's brother's house in Orem and fed her.

We visited for a few minutes with her sister-in-law and brother then started our trek north toward Wellsville. Virginia got hungry again in West Jordan and so we stopped in a Wendy's parking lot to feed her again and change her.

Before we got to Wellsville we made one more stop at my parents house in Plain City so they could see the new grandbaby.

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