Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Virginia's Stocking is done! 12-5-09

Christmas stockings are a tradition in our home, much as they are in many homes during the holidays. Christmas morning you are able to find them overflowing with gifts from Santa Claus. All of the children have a knitted stocking that I have knitted and then felted. For those knitters out there you know what felting is, for others, it is also called boiled wool. You knit in 100% wool, really big and loose, then you wash it in HOT water in the washer and voila! it shrinks and becomes thick, fuzzy and the individual stitches disappear. I started making these felted stockings when James had his first Christmas, I also have pictures of all 4 of them inside their pre-felted stockings. I had intended on Virginia's to have a white top and toe, but the red bled and well, it is pink now. With pink and red being the colors of the stocking, I didn't know what color to do the hanger. In a recent trip to my local yarn shop (Knit On! in Newport) I saw a really cool "meshy" "yarn" that you knit with only 4 stitches into a short decorative scarf. Then, after it was done, I realized, I just made a great stocking hanger. I tried both the green and red one on the stocking and took a vote, the green one won. That, and Emma really wanted the red one to wear.

Pre felted picture...I just realized that I didn't take one with her next to her Post felted stocking...coming soon....then you can see the size difference better.

Inside her stocking

Happy with her new scarf.

1 comment:

  1. You have really created magical Christmas memories for your family.
