Thursday, December 31, 2009

Adoption is FINALIZED! December 30, 2009

Well on the 29th, after getting up early, getting 4 children dressed and looking nice, after going to court and being there by 8 am, the judge didn't like the fact that a piece of paperwork from Utah didn't have a file number stamped on it. So, we were really concerned that we wouldn't finalze by the end of the year. During the day the judge called the Utah courts and found out that the paperwork doesn't get a file number. So, that afternoon we got a new scheduled time of 8:15 am on the 30th. This was the last day that we could do it this year, as the courts were closed on the 31st. We stood before the judge, proclaimed that we were taking care of Virginia, she was healthy and we wanted her in our family, she approved our adoption and signed the finalization papers.

Virginia is legally ours!

Oh yeah, and we weren't quite as primped as we were the day before and James' shirt said, "Save the Planet, send all sisters to the moon". I didn't screen that carefully before leaving that morning.

Now I must start working on the plans to take her to the Temple so she can be sealed to our family for all time and eternity.

I have been waiting for Virginia and Anna since I was a little girl. I knew that I wanted to adopt african american children, and now it is a lifelong dream come true. Just the thought of that brings tears to my eyes.

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