Friday, December 25, 2009

Snow Day, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera 12-19-09

Well, we had a busy day with the camera this day, and it was a lot of fun. We got our box of gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Frost for Christmas. Right on top was Anna's froggy umbrella I forgot in Utah, when we were there adopting Virginia. Grandma Frost had gotten it for her. She was so excited to see it again, I couldn't possibly make her wait until Christmas. Ginny is so darn cute! Sometimes the flash kinda scares her and she gets the deer-in-the-headlights look. She was sitting up in a big girl chair with the Snowman filling the gap for her to not tip over.

Sometimes Virginia loves her swing...sometimes not.

Emma's hair looked so beautiful for her play date with Madison (her friend) when we took out her curlers, then they went and played in the snow, but it still looked really nice. I love this picture of Emma, it captures her spirit.

Our children don't miss an opportunity to be in front of the camera. I had to set Virginia down to change the laundry and the closest thing was the tub of yarn I have.

Virginia looked so beautiful in this outfit!

Picture taken courtesy of Emma.

Anna was all ready to go out and play in the snow with Emma and James.

We got just enough snow to cover the lawn, and our hill in the yard is great for sledding down.

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