Sunday, September 20, 2009

Continued contact

We got to talk to Sophia on the phone for the first time on Friday, August 14th in a conference call. It was a great conversation, and we could see that Sophia was really a "great gal" as Carl first described her. We talked about all sorts of things. It was funny that later we found out, Sophia had this big poem planned out to say, to let us know she chose us, but then at the last minute just spoke out, "I chose you". We were really excited.

Adoption is such a roller coaster ride, and this is a major step in it. We had 6 birthmother contacts in a month, three happening in 48 hours of each other, and we were being pulled all over. It was funny on several of them, Sophia happened to contact us while Carl was in Utah, we had another contact us when we were up in upstate NY, and she was only a couple hours away in Pennsylvania and we drove over to meet her, and then another from Baltimore, a day before Carl flew out to Balimore to interview with the FBI. It was really exciting, but we kept asking ourselves, "which one is our birthmother". Truly it is up to the birthmother, and we feel confident that the Lord has guided us to this union with Sophia.

After our first conference call we had several others on a weekly basis, so that we could find out how Sophia was doing, and to build the relationship with her. All of the kids got to talk to her on the phone as well. We were so excited, it looked like things were going so well with her, and they did go well.

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