Wednesday, May 19, 2010

March 2010

Virginia sat up for the first time by herself without propping herself up with her hands!
We decided to make a great effort this year to do more outdoors activities, utilizing our local state parks, etc. So , we got the kids all equipped with new backpacks, and got a new lightweight backpacking tent, and set off on March 23rd. It was pretty muddy, but the nice thing was there was not bugs. Here are some of the notes Carl made...
1. Carrying a baby on the front and a pack on the back is not nearly as hard as it looks.
2. Camping out on the last weekend in march, there are no bugs, but it is 30 degrees at night
2a. Anna gets really mad and cranky when she is cold
3. The day after it rains it is pretty muddy, but still fun
4. Kids that won't eat oatmeal at home, will in the woods
4a. Kids that make you think they ate oatmeal, will fill up on left over smores for breakfast
5, Fruit snacks and trailmix go faster than you would think
6. Once again anything you strap to the dog, will get muddy and wet
7. Dont trust the state park map, go to the USGS
7a. Two miles is a lot longer than you think on a state park map
8. The wilds of Ohio, prompt your kids to change their names from Anna to Ashaline
9. On the way home from church the next day and your 3yr old will ask you to stop at a tree to go pee.
10. Barbie has to go along with the family
11. Take pictures iwth logos of your gear and send to the factory to try for free stuff (didn't work, we later found out, they didnt' care)
11a. Hope that Osprey does not discontinue their excellent line of kids packs
12. We would be plain crazy to not do this again next month.

Virginia eating a wheat thin

we were SO cold

A river we had to cross, and only Carl had waterproof boots, refer to Carl's note #7 above.

Carl's 37th birthday, the traditional chocolate peanut butter cake turned out pretty good.

Cute bunny ears. Easter is coming.

Some candid pictures before church one Sunday

A brief glance at the girl's room.

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