Wednesday, May 19, 2010

April 2010

For the kids "after tax season I feel guilty from being a a working mom" gift, we decided to build them a treehouse. Well, Carl is building it, I am the GC, and chief-wife-kabitzer. Carl custom made some metal brackets to bolt to the trees, and then went from there. We had checked out a bunch of treehouse books from the library, and started. Carl took 2 days off work at the end of tax season, and spent a bunch of time on it to get it started.
Snuggles with Daddy.

Easter was really fun, it fell on Conference weekend, which we have made it a tradition to spend all weekend at the church for. We, arrive at noon, and leave at 6pm both Saturday and Sunday. We all get much more out of conference, and have a great time spending the family time together. We did dyed eggs at home and an egg hunt at the church.

Family Backpacking Trip #2. Momma didn't go and stayed home to work more. Tax season was almost done and I couldn't take the time to go again, sadly. They had a great time, didn't freeze to death, and also met another Mormon family backpacking as well, proves it is a small world. I did stay up late and finished knitting Virginia's new doll.

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