Well after tax season every year, I give the kids a really great gift of something they really want, to assuage my mommy guilt from working. This year was no exception, other than the gift is an over the top, extreme, Westergard style treehouse. Built by Carl and paid for by Missy.jpg)
The latest pictures, with the railing mostly done! .jpg)
So now the cedar wrap around the deck edge is done, and the 4x4 posts for the railing is well on it's way, and one section of partially finished railing is done. We will all breathe slightly easier now when Anna is up in the treehouse. Tomorrow...more railing, and hopefully roof, weather permitting..jpg)
Well, the trim and siding is all done, now onto the roofing. Well, no, let's put that off a little longer, and do the cedar wrap around the deck and also the railing.
You can see the green steel roofing on the ground waiting for Carl to put that up.
You can see the structure from underneath and the beautiful siding.
We decided to side the house with cedar lap siding, for a beautiful look. I found a re-use center in Covington, which gets donations from Home Depot etc, of all sorts of building materials. So, I got 3 vinyl windows dirt cheap for the treehouse. Having vinyl windows, spurred us to do the nice siding.
Why do we think we can do these kind of projects? Motivation! We started by checking out a ton of books at the library.