Sunday, June 6, 2010


Well, Carl did it, the tree house is done...almost. The only things left is to hang the door and build the ladder up to it. In the meantime, our neighbor is nice enough to let us use his ladder, as he has for the past 7 weeks on this project. This morning it rained hard for about 5 minutes to Carl and James go to run outside and listen to the rain on the metal roof. From the pictures you can see how the tree branches pop through the roof. Carl had no idea it was going to take so long to do the roof, nearly 3 days straight, from morning till night. It is great to have it practically done. We burned all our construction garbage with a huge bonfire which resulted in the logical choice of hobo dinners. James and Emma even got to eat hobo dinners up in the treehouse last night. This morning, I had a realization of all the anniversaries that come on June 6th for our is a list of them.

June 6th....
It has been...

2 years since we closed on our house here in northern Kentucky
4 years since Audrey Ann was born (the adoption that fell through before Anna)
5 years since the moving truck left our home in Utah with our earthly possessions
11 years since James was blessed in church by his dad
and finally
66 years since Poppa Jack landed in France, right before D-day

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pulling herself up, eating blueberries, crawling

Yes, Virginia, you are perfect.
sometimes doing a "wounded soldier" crawl, and sometimes doing the real thing

Eating blueberries for the first time


I am so proud of myself! I did nice tight cornrows in Virginia's hair for the first time. Thanks to a friend, Kim, that taught me how to do it. WHOOO HOOO.